Written by: John Sernaque

CS - Counsels on Stewardship (1940) Chapter 7—A Privilege and a Responsibility
The most solemn truths ever entrusted to mortals have been given to us to proclaim to the world. The proclamation of these truths is our work. The world is to be warned, and God’s people are to be true to the trust committed to them. They are not to engage in speculations, neither are they to enter into business enterprises with unbelievers; for this would hinder them in doing the work given them. {CS 38.3}
Christ says of His people, “Ye are the light of the world.” It is not a small matter that the counsels and purposes and plans of God have been so clearly opened to us. It is a wonderful privilege to be able to understand the will of God as revealed in the sure word of prophecy. This places on us a heavy responsibility. God expects us to impart to others the knowledge He has given us. It is His purpose that divine and human instrumentalities shall unite in the proclamation of the warning message.—The Review and Herald, July 28, 1904. {CS 38.4}
It is God’s purpose for us that we should work together with divinity in proclaiming the prophetic messages He has revealed to us. Our work has been given to us through His Holy Scriptures. We are not to engage in other businesses that are contrary to God’s Word. The message for these last days is a solemn message, which needs to be carried forth with urgency and expediency. We are not to allow unbelievers to slow down the work. Carrying forward God’s plan of salvation is a privilege and a responsibility Christians have been given for these last days. Christians are to continue to support the work with their gifts and offerings as faithful stewards to God’s heavenly kingdom. Do the work with joy and gladness, God loves a cheerful giver.
Dear Father in Heaven,
We thank You for giving us this privilege, and entrusting to us the responsibility of proclaiming Your prophetic message and plan of salvation to this world. We are living in the last days and soon probation will close for those who have not given their life to You. We pray that You give us the strength and courage to move forward with this most important work so that souls may be saved and ready for Your second advent. Please remove any hinderances in doing this work that the plan of salvation may go out far and wide, to the four corners of the world. Keep us faithful in our giving to support the work that is before us. We thank You for hearing and answering our prayers. In the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.
