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Withholding from the Lord

Written by: John Sernaque


CS - Counsels on Stewardship (1940) Chapter 19— The True Reason for Withholding

I saw that some have excused themselves from aiding the cause of God because they were in debt. Had they closely examined their own hearts, they would have discovered that selfishness was the true reason why they brought no freewill offering to God. Some will always remain in debt. Because of their covetousness, the prospering hand of God will not be with them to bless their undertakings. They love this world better than they love the truth. They are not being fitted up and made ready for the kingdom of God.—Testimonies for the Church 1:225. {CS 93.1}

Excuses are a dime a dozen. If you are using debt as your excuse from helping in the cause of God, examine your heart closely. Could it be because of selfishness that you do not want to give? Are you more concerned of taking care of your frivolous wants instead of helping others that have true needs? Because of your covetousness, God will not bless you and you will always be in debt. That is exactly where Satan wants you, that he may sift you as wheat. The borrower will always be servant to the lender. You live in this world; do not be of this world. Search for God’s truth that you may know and love the truth and made free.

Dear God,

We thank You so much for the privilege and honor of being co laborers with You in the plan of salvation. You have provided for all our needs and we pray that we are able to help others with their needs. We pray for our brothers and sisters that none is found wanting and in debt due to selfish hearts. Instead, let them know and love the truth and made free. Take the debtors out of bondage to the lenders. Make us the head and not the tail. Please fit us up and made ready for Your heavenly kingdom. We thank You for hearing and answering our prayers, in the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.


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