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The Work of Jesus in Us

Written by: John Sernaque

Call to Worship

2 Peter 3:18

3:18 But grow in grace, and [in] the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him [be] glory both now and for ever. Amen.

One of the divine plans for growth is impartation. The Christian is to gain strength by strengthening others. “He that watereth shall be watered also himself.” This is not merely a promise; it is a divine law, a law by which God designs that the streams of benevolence, like the waters of the great deep, shall be kept in constant circulation, continually flowing back to their source. In the fulfilling of this law is the secret of spiritual growth (The Signs of the Times, June 12, 1901). {7BC 947.3} (1 Thessalonians 4:3.)

Sanctification a Continual Growth in Grace—

[2 Peter 3:14, 18 quoted.] There is no Bible sanctification for those who cast a part of the truth behind them.... {7BC 947.4}

Sanctification is not the work of a moment, an hour, or a day. It is a continual growth in grace. We know not one day how strong will be our conflict the next. Satan lives, and is active, and every day we need to earnestly cry to God for help and strength to resist him. As long as Satan reigns we shall have self to subdue, besetments to overcome, and there is no stopping place. There is no point to which we can come and say we have fully attained (The Review and Herald, May 6, 1862). {7BC 947.5}

How is it possible that we may grow in grace? It is possible to us only as we empty our hearts of self, and present them to Heaven, to be molded after the divine Pattern. We may have a connection with the living channel of light; we may be refreshed with the heavenly dew, and have the showers of Heaven descend upon us. As we appropriate the blessing of God, we shall be able to receive greater measures of His grace. As we learn to endure as seeing Him who is invisible, we shall become changed into the image of Christ. The grace of Christ will not make us proud, cause us to be lifted up in self, but we shall become meek and lowly in heart. {AG 296.4}

Growth in grace will not lead you to be proud, self-confident, and boastful, but will make you more conscious of your own nothingness, of your entire dependence upon the Lord. {AG 296.5}

Grace comes only from God. We can receive His grace and thereby grow in grace by and through Christ Jesus only. His grace does not make one proud in self but makes one meek and lowly in heart. It increases our love for Christ, our first love. As we become more familiar with God, the stronger the love grows. Only with our whole heart will we increase in grace and the knowledge of Christ Jesus. God accepts nothing less, that we grow up into Him in all things. For this is the will of God for our sanctification. Sanctification is a blessing attained through constant communion with God. Strive to attain holiness by faith through the merits of Christ Jesus alone and not by our own works. Pray for help, strength, and claim the victory Jesus won over sin, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Use God’s blessings and receive a greater measure of His grace. Growth in grace will not lead you to be proud, self-confident, and boastful, but will make you more conscious of your own nothingness, of your entire dependence upon the Lord. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.

Our Father, which art in heaven,

We come into Your presence in thanksgiving, praise, and prayer. We are so grateful and thankful for Your love, mercy, and grace. For blessing us with Your Word to live by. For giving us the opportunity to be called Your people and heirs to the Royal Family. Thank You for creating us in Your own image. We pray to grow in grace and that our love abounds more and more, filling us with the fruits of Your righteousness. We pray for Your strength for spiritual growth. To grow in grace for sanctification. We pray to fulfill Your will for us, our sanctification. We pray to hear Your voice telling us Holier, holier still. We cry out to You to help and strengthen us to resist the devil. We claim the victory You won for us at the cross at Calvary. We pray to be meek and lowly in heart. That growth in grace will not lead any of us to be proud, self-confident, and boastful, but will make us more conscious of our own nothingness, of our entire dependence upon You. We pray to receive a greater measure of Your grace. We pray for all to speak the truth in love to grow up into You in all things, which is the head Christ Jesus. May this love increase for You, our first love. We pray to become more familiar with You, making our love stronger. We pray for all to love with their whole heart to increase in grace and the knowledge of Christ Jesus. To change into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. By faith to see You coming in the clouds to take us home. We thank You for hearing and answering our prayers, in the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.


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