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The Ultimate Part of Soul Winning

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

Written by: John Sernaque

Dear Reader,

Books / Pr - Prayer (2002) /Prayer And Soul Winning

Prayer an Important Part of Success in Soul winning—

If the members of the churches would but put to work the powers of mind that they have, in well-directed efforts, in well-matured plans, they might do a hundredfold more for Christ than they are now doing. If they went forth with earnest prayer, with meekness and lowliness of heart, seeking, personally to impart to others the knowledge of salvation, the message might reach the inhabitants of the earth.—(The Review and Herald, April 11, 1893). {Pr 39.1}

We are to come to God in faith, and pour out our supplications before Him, believing that He will work in our behalf, and in behalf of those we are seeking to save. We are to devote more time to earnest prayer.—(SDA Bible Commentary 3:146, 1147.) {Pr 39.2}

Select another and still another soul, daily seeking guidance from God, laying everything before Him in earnest prayer, and working in divine wisdom. As you do this, you will see that God will give the Holy Spirit to convict, and the power of truth to convert, the soul.—(Medical Ministry, 245). {Pr 39.3}

Bear in mind that the success of reproof depends greatly upon the spirit in which it is given. Do not neglect earnest prayer that you may possess a lowly mind, and that angels of God may go before you to work upon the hearts you are trying to reach, and so soften them by heavenly impressions that your efforts may avail.—( Testimonies for the Church 2:53.) {Pr 40.1}

If several should meet together with one accord, with hearts burdened for perishing souls, and should offer earnest, fervent prayers, they would prove effectual.—(The Review and Herald, August 23, 1892.) {Pr 40.2}

There is power in prayer. This power comes from heaven above. We cannot attain it by our own strength. Only through the Spirit of God can we receive it. It cannot be bought or sold, bargained for or negotiated. It is a gift from God for whosoever asks for it. Pray that God pours out His Spirit upon you, that it fills you and runs over to impart unto others. Pray with others and share the knowledge of salvation. The world is filled with souls that are ready to receive and experience true heart conversion. We cannot save anyone, but we can lead him or her to the One who can.

Our heavenly Father,

We are so thankful and grateful for the gift of prayer You have given to all. We thank You for the privilege, honor, and still, the opportunity to come into Your presence through prayer, our lifeline to heaven. We pray that we receive Your oil from on high, that it runs over to be imparted unto the dying souls of this world. There are so many out there, just waiting to experience true heart conversion, but just do not know how to receive it. We pray that You use us as Your vessels to lead others to You, that they may know Your truth that will make them free. That they may receive the truth that saves. That they will believe on You, surrender their life to You, declare You their Lord, Savior, and Master. Lead us and guide us as we reach out to the lost sheep of Your flock. Help us help them to receive the Power of the Holy Spirit through prayer and to experience true soul conversion. Give us the desire and the need to realize the urgency at hand in these last days of time. As we cannot save anyone, help us to lead him or her to the One who can. We pray for the church to come together, being under one accord, to help this dying world learn of Your plan of salvation. We are sinners, and are truly sorry that we have sinned against You. We humbly repent of all our sins and pray that You forgive us of all our sins, the known and the unknown, from the beginning until now, wash us clean in the blood of Christ. May the world come together, believing on You by faith, that through You the world will be saved. We thank You God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, in the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.


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