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The People That Hoard Treasure

Updated: Mar 26, 2022

Written by: John Sernaque


CS - Counsels on Stewardship (1940) Chapter 8—Wholehearted Attachment to the Church

Those who rejoice in the precious light of truth should feel a burning desire to have it sent everywhere. There are a few faithful standard-bearers who never flinch from duty or shirk responsibilities. Their hearts and purses are always open to every call for means to advance the cause of God. Indeed, some seem ready to exceed their duty, as though fearful that they will lose an opportunity of investing their portion in the bank of heaven. {CS 42.2}

There are others who will do as little as possible. They hoard their treasure, or lavish means upon themselves, grudgingly doling out a mere pittance to sustain the cause of God. If they make a pledge or a vow to God, they afterward repent of it, and will avoid the payment of it as long as they can, if not altogether.

They make their tithe as small as possible, as if afraid that that which they return to God is lost. Our various institutions may be embarrassed for means, but this class act as though it made no difference to them whether they prosper or not. And yet these are God’s instrumentalities with which to enlighten the world.—Testimonies for the Church 4:477, 478. {CS 42.3}

We will be judged by our light received. Thus, knowing that everything belongs to God, and that we are merely stewards of it all, and are to return unto God the first ten percent of our first fruits, not doing so is a total disregard for God and our church. God expects us to be faithful standard-bearers, anything short of that falls short in the sight of God. It is our duty and responsibility to answer the call for means to advance the plan of salvation and with which to enlighten the world. Think not to hoard your means on earthly treasures, rather invest it in the bank of heaven. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Matthew 24:14

Our kind and gracious Father,

We thank You for the privilege and honor of being co-laborers with You in the plan of salvation. We pray that You will bless the means invested in the bank of heaven. We pray for Your continued help and support for us to labor and earn wages to support the church, ourselves, our families, and those in need. May we be able to reach those in the entire world with Your gospel truths that they may be made free, that they may be saved. Keep us faithful in our giving and may the gospel be preached in the entire world that it may hasten Your coming, for us to see You in the clouds at Your second advent. We thank you for hearing and answering our prayers, in the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.

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