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The Listening Father

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

Written by: John Sernaque

Dear Reader,

Books / Pr - Prayer (2002) / Chapter 3—God Hears Prayer

God Listens to Every Prayer—The infinite God, said Jesus, makes it your privilege to approach Him by the name of Father. Understand all that this implies. No earthly parent ever pleaded so earnestly with an erring child as He who made you pleads with the transgressor.

No human, loving interest ever followed the impenitent with such tender invitations. God dwells in every abode; He hears every word that is spoken, listens to every prayer that is offered, tastes the sorrows and disappointments of every soul, regards the treatment given to father, mother, sister, friend, and neighbor. He cares for our necessities, and His love and mercy and grace are continually flowing to satisfy our need.—(The Signs of the Times, October 28, 1903.) {Pr 34.5}

The Lord’s Prayer addresses “Our Father”, and we speak with our Father through Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior. God in heaven hears the prayer of every repentant sinner. Through prayer, we commune with God, drawing closer to Him as He draws closer to us. As any earthly parent, more so, God welcomes His children to come to Him with all our cares and needs. God is always ready to pour out His love, mercy, and grace to all who come to Him in the name of Christ Jesus. God is longsuffering. He promises to never leave us nor forsake us. Thanks be to God.

Our Father in heaven,

We thank You for the privilege of calling You Father. We are so grateful for Your love, mercy, and grace which You continually pour out on Your children. We thank You for the honor of considering us heirs to the Royal Family. What joy it brings us to come to You in prayer, to be able to commune with You and hear Your voice. We thank You for listening to every word we speak, for listening to all our prayers. Therefore, we come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. We thank You for Your longsuffering towards us, never tiring of hearing our voices. For always being there for us, watching over us, protecting us, and keeping us safe. For allowing us to live and dwell with You and You in us. May we continue to draw nigh unto You that You may draw nigh unto us, with the bringing in of a better hope. For You have promised that all who believe on the Lord Christ Jesus will be saved, and our house. For You so loved the world that You gave Your only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life. What love, that You would have given Your life for any of us who call on Your name, Christ Jesus. We pray for all those lost souls out there that don’t know Your name, or have refused Your invitations. For some have distanced themselves so far from You, they don’t hear You knocking on the door of their hearts. You are an infinite God, and have ways we cannot comprehend. May You use one of Your ways to convict the lost souls of the world of Your saving truth, that they may be saved. We thank You for hearing and answering our prayers, in the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.


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