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The Greatest Blessing to Solomon

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

Written by: John Sernaque

Call to Worship

2 Chronicles 9: 22-23

9:22 And king Solomon passed all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom.

9:23 And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, that God had put in his heart.

God Endows Man With Talent—

[2 Chronicles 9:22, 23 quoted.] This honor was not brought about by Solomon himself. God gave to him the talents of influence and of great wisdom. Let all remember that tact and ability do not come from the natural man. Those who depend upon ministers or upon any other men whom they regard as superior to themselves, should understand that God is the One who endows man with talent. {3BC 1131.6}

We see danger in the bestowal of rich gifts or of words of commendation upon human agencies. Those who are favored by the Lord need to be on guard constantly, lest pride or self-esteem obtain the supremacy. He who has an unusual following, he who has received words of commendation from the Lord, needs the special prayers of God’s faithful watchmen, that he may be shielded from the danger of cherishing thoughts of self-esteem and spiritual pride. Never is such a man to manifest self-importance, or attempt to act as a dictator or a ruler. Faithfully should his brethren warn him of his dangers; for, if left to himself, he will surely make mistakes, and reveal human frailties. {3BC 1131.7}

In studying Solomon’s history, we can see clearly that the very ones who flattered and praised and glorified the man of ability are the ones who did not recognize and glorify God for the blessings He bestowed upon them through the human instrumentality. They supported and glorified the man; God was dishonored; and therefore the Lord found the vessel He had ordained and used in His sacred service, becoming unclean. The sentiments, the spirit, and the likeness of the natural man began to appear, and he who once was doing God’s will, became corrupted through human exaltations. Then the feebleness and weakness of man was revealed by the choice of injudicious friends, whose course of action helped the tempter to ensnare the man. The Lord allowed him to be ensnared, because he went on to exalt his own wisdom, and made not God his trust. He would not be counseled; he would walk in his own way.... {3BC 1131.8}

The Lord sets men in positions of responsibility to carry out not their own will, but God’s will. He gives wisdom to those who seek Him and depend upon Him as their Counselor. So long as men represent the pure principles of His government, He will continue to bless and maintain them as His instrumentalities to carry out His purposes concerning His people. He cooperates with those who cooperate with Him.... The test by which Solomon was measured, is used to measure all (Manuscript 81, 1900). {3BC 1131.9}

Solomon prayed for wisdom to lead his people. God answered his prayer. God also blessed Solomon with earthly riches. Solomon confused God’s blessings with the idea that he himself was responsible for his talents and success. Solomon’s pride and self-esteem got the better of him. Solomon began to live by his own will, and not God’s will. Solomon was no longer co-operating with God. Therefore, God could no longer cooperate with Solomon to use as His vessel. God allowed Solomon to be ensnared because Solomon exalted his own wisdom, failing to give the glory to God. By this test, all will be measured.

Dear Lord in heaven,

We thank You for being so good to us. For blessing us with talents to use for Your service. These talents are Your gift to us to use responsibly and for the honor and glory of Your name. Let none of us exalt ourselves, thinking that our talents come from within. Nor any carry out their own will, above Your will. We pray that all seek Your face, and be shielded from the danger of pride or self-esteem. We pray that You will continue to use us as Your vessels in representing the pure principles of Your government. We pray that we will all walk in Your way. We thank You for hearing and answering our prayers, in the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.


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