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The Existence of Free-Will Proves the Existence of God

Updated: Mar 11, 2022

Written by: Christopher Sernaque

Dear Readers,

1. To argue against free-will is self-defeating because if free-will does not exist one would have no choice but to argue against free-will.

2. However, if free-will does not exist then the ideas of good and evil are purely arbitrary, as everyone would have no choice to be either good or evil.

3. Therefore, if free-will does not exist, absolute moral values and duties do not exist.

4. However, relativism, in the sense that there are no moral absolutes, is also self-referentially incoherent, because in order for relativism to be true, it would have to be absolute that there are no absolutes.

5. With relativism negated, there are absolute moral values and duties.

6. If absolute moral values and duties exist, then free-will must exist.

7. Free-will is performing or adhering to absolute moral values and duties, without being forced to perform or adhere to them.

8. Free-will is possessed by intelligent agents.

9. Therefore, the source of free-will must itself be an intelligent, absolute, and ultimate moral agent.

10. If God exists then He would be an intelligent, absolute, and ultimate moral agent.

11. Because free-will exists, it follows that its source, an intelligent, absolute, and ultimate moral agent exists.

12. Therefore, God exists.

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