Written by: John Sernaque

CS - Counsels on Stewardship (1940) Chapter 17—Robbing God
To have your name on the church book does not make you a Christian. You are to bring your gifts to the altar of sacrifice, cooperating with God to the utmost of your ability, that through you He may reveal the beauty of His truth. Withhold nothing from the Saviour. All is His. You would have nothing to give did He not first give to you. {CS 84.1}
Selfishness has come in, and has appropriated to itself that which belongs to God. This is covetousness, which is idolatry. Men monopolize that which God has lent them, as though it were their own property, to do with as they please. When their power to grasp wealth is gratified, they think that their possessions make them of value in the sight of God. This is a snare, a deception of Satan. What does outward pomp and show avail? What do men and women gain by pride and self-indulgence? “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Worldly treasure is fleeting. Only through Christ can we obtain eternal riches. The wealth that He gives is beyond all computation. Having found God, you are supremely rich in the contemplation of His treasure. “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.” {CS 84.2}
When Christ left this earth, He went to prepare a heavenly mansion for all who believed on His name. This is what He said, and if it were not so, He would not say it. The things of this world will corrupt, rust, and be moth eaten. Whereas heavenly treasures are eternal. We are not to withhold anything from God’s treasury. Everything belongs to God; we are merely stewards of that which He provides. If we allow selfishness to take hold of us, we fall into Satan’s trap. Satan has but a short time and the treasures he provides are fleeting. Serve God and not Satan as God’s reward lasts forever.
Our kind and gracious Father,
We thank You for providing us with all our needs. We pray that we do not turn to the selfish deceptive ways of Satan. Everything we have is Yours, and if it were not for Your grace and loving kindness, we would have nothing to give if You had not given to us first. We thank You for revealing Your beautiful truths through us. We pray that You use us as Your vessels. We are honored to serve You to the utmost of our abilities. We thank You for preparing our heavenly mansions that await us when we get to heaven. We joyful await Your return to take us home. We thank You and praise You, in the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.
