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The Blind Remnant

Updated: Mar 11, 2022

Written by: Caylee Sernaque

Many men have walked this earth, but only one is truly worthy of your trust. His name is Jesus.

He intercedes instead of gossiping, forgives instead of grudging, washed our robes white instead of white-washing, gives justice, not just judging

God's people can spread the truth, preach the word loud

Evangelize, sermonize, but they have a weak spot

Hate is in their heart, they may deny that they're proud

They can't do as God does- forgive precious souls that were bought

In the kingdom of heaven, our Lord does forgive

He is compassionate, patient, love pours from His heart

But with bitter fury, some won't let their brethren live

They expect God to be merciful, but won't do the same on their part

Look at Jesus, when Judas came with his band

He addressed His betrayer - quite oddly - as a "friend"

All forsook Christ, though His time was at hand

But He still loved every one, even to the end

If we humbly look at the life we live, we'd fall on our knees and ask God to forgive.

Hypocrites! Hypocrites! Displeasing to God, calling ourselves the Remnant with eyes full of logs.

Leviticus 19:15-18 | Matthew 26:47-56, 18:21-35 | Mark 12:29-31 | Luke 6:27-42, 11:25-37



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