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Support Foreign Missions

Updated: Mar 26, 2022

Written by: John Sernaque


CS - Counsels on Stewardship (1940) Chapter 7— Support Foreign Missions

The sympathies of God’s people should be aroused in every church throughout our land, and there should be unselfish action to meet the necessities of different mission fields. Men should testify to their interest in the cause of God by giving of their substance. If such an interest were manifested, the bond of Christian brotherhood would exist and increase in strength between all the members of Christ’s family. {CS 38.5}

This work of faithfully bringing in all the tithes, that there may be meat in the house of God, would supply laborers for both home and foreign fields. Although books and publications upon present truth are pouring out their treasures of knowledge to all parts of the world, yet missionary posts must be established at different points. The living preacher must proclaim the words of life and salvation. There are open fields inviting workers to enter. The harvest is ripe, and the earnest Macedonian cry for laborers is heard from every part of the world.—The Review and Herald, February 19, 1889. {CS 39.1}

Yes, the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few. Though billions of people can be reached via the internet, there is still a need for missionaries in all parts of the world. Not all ministering can be done online. There is still a need for laborers in the vineyard. This type of work requires money. Faithful giving allows laborers for both home and foreign fields. It is by faithful giving that allows the gospel truth to reach those who are searching for the truth but cannot seem to find it where they are. We can bring it to them and forever into their hearts. Go to the people where they are to meet their needs. If all would give to God’s cause, the plan of salvation can be expediently moved forth, thereby hastening Christs’ Second Advent. What a day of rejoicing that will be.

Our Father,

We thank You for giving us Your plan of salvation and the privilege of being co-laborers with You. We pray that we may continue to do our part in carrying out the work You have given us to do. We pray that we receive a fresh supply of financial blessings to help support the work here locally as well as abroad. That we may reach Your people far and wide and that none would be missed. Please give Your people the faith to continue to support the work by giving of their substance and to labor in the vineyard. We pray for strength and courage to continue the work till the end. We thank You and praise You, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


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