Written by: John Sernaque

Dear Reader,
Books / Pr - Prayer (2002) / Chapter 2—Our Need Of Prayer Chapter 2—Our Need Of Prayer
Spiritual Advance Depends on Prayer—If there were more praying among us, more exercise of a living faith, and less dependence upon some one else to have an experience for us, we would be far in advance of where we are today in spiritual intelligence. What we need is a deep, individual heart and soul experience. Then we shall be able to tell what God is doing and how He is working. We need to have a living experience in the things of God; and we are not safe unless we have this. There are some who have a good experience, and they tell you about it; but when you come to weigh it up, you see that it is not a correct experience, for it is not in accordance with a plain Thus saith the Lord. If ever there was a time in our history when we needed to humble our individual souls before God, it is today. We need to come to God with faith in all that is promised in the Word, and then walk in all the light and power that God gives.—(The Review and Herald, July 1, 1909.) {Pr 20.1}
Everyone needs to work out his or her own salvation with fear and trembling. Someone else’s experience cannot be your experience. If you rely on someone else for your spiritual growth and salvation, you will not make it. Trust in God and pray in faith that He will hear and answer your prayers. Do this and see how God is working in your life. Your spiritual life will flourish, and by humble obedience, you will walk in the light and power that God gives freely to them that ask. Go to your prayer closet, let go and let God, and receive a deep heart and soul experience.
Dear God,
We come to You the foot of Your throne in prayer and thanksgiving. We thank You for being our example and for teaching us the need of prayer. As You prayed to the Father every day, we are to follow in Your steps and do likewise. We pray that You give us the desire to seek Your face diligently, and commune with You through prayer. Help us to receive an individual heart and soul experience. We pray that we may be of one mind with You to increase our spiritual intelligence. Let this mind be in us, which is also in Christ Jesus. We pray for wisdom, understanding and discernment to be able to tell what You are doing and how You are working in our life. Help us to come humbly before You in faith to receive all of Your promises and that we may walk in the light and power that You give to those who ask. We pray that we may have a living experience through Your Word. May we grow stronger and advance spiritually by exercising a living faith. We pray that we may receive the faith that is in You. We pray You dwell in our hearts that we may be rooted and grounded in love. For he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him. We believe in the love You have for us. Help us to obey Your commandments, for this is love and that we should walk in it. May Thy word be a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. We thank You for placing Your law into our hearts that none of our steps should slide. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. We thank You for hearing and answering our prayers, in the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.
