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Seventh-day Adventist Fanatics: You’ve Gotta Love These People!

Updated: Mar 26, 2022

Written by: Christopher Sernaque

Seventh-day Adventist Fanatics: You’ve Gotta Love These People!

SDA fanatics

You’ve gotta love these people

Just what is an SDA fanatic?

Let me explain them to you.

I’ll keep this simple.

You know you’re talking to an SDA fanatic when they’re more excited for the coming Sunday Law than the 2nd Coming of Jesus.

You know you’re talking to an SDA fanatic when they’re trying to convince everyone to become vegan instead of feeding the homeless and caring for the needy. (1)

You know you’re talking to an SDA fanatic when they’ve exalted Ellen White as their Vegetarian Virgin Mary and don’t know a thing about their Bibles. (2)

You know you're talking to an SDA fanatic when they’ve got their eyes peeled on the lookout for Jesuits instead of fixed on Jesus. (3)

You know you're talking to an SDA fanatic when they can explain conspiracy theories, but not the Everlasting Gospel.

You know you're talking to an SDA fanatic when they insist you have to wear a long dress, in spite of the fact that they are not wearing Christ’s robe of righteousness. (4)

You know you're talking to an SDA fanatic when they’ll say it selfish to get married “in these last days” while all the while they’ll steal tithes and offerings. (5)

You know you're talking to an SDA fanatic when they’ll condemn college education and yet only hire people with degrees for their online diploma mill. (6)

You know you're talking to an SDA fanatic when they decry supposed “apostasy” in the Conference while their own ministries are abusive. (7)

You know you're talking to an SDA fanatic when they call you “Brother” or “Sister” to your face and then stab you in the back.

SDA fanatics

You’ve gotta love these people.

Just what is an SDA fanatic?

They’re someone who is lost.

Pray that they find Christ Jesus.

**The videos that are attached to each of the points in the original poem-form article are refutations of the fanatical worldview or mindset. They are not meant to be taken as living examples of the point they are attached to. They are for further research on the part of the reader.**

1. Are Seventh-day Adventists Medical MURDERERS or Medical MISSIONARIES?!: Interview with Dr. DeRose

2. Ellen White Under Fire Part 1:Is Ellen White a FALSE PROPHET?!?! | Interview with Professor Jud Lake

3. Ellen White Under Fire Part 2: Is Ellen White a CULT LEADER?!?! | Interview with Professor Jud Lake

4. Is NUDITY Modest?: Have We Gone Too Far?!?! | Interview with Armin Kritzinger from Amazing Facts

5, 6. Ellen White Under Fire Part 3: Is Ellen White a GODDESS?!?! | Interview with Professor Jud Lake

7. 16 MILLION Members GONE! Why are Seventh-day Adventists Disappearing?: Interview with Dr. David Trim

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