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Running to Riches or the Redeemer?

Written by: John Sernaque


CS - Counsels on Stewardship (1940) Chapter 18—No Risk to Run

O, what gracious, full, complete assurances are given us, if we will only do what God requires us to do! Take hold of this matter as though you believed the Lord would do just as He has promised. Let us venture something upon God’s word. In their zeal to be rich, many run great risks; eternal considerations are overlooked, and noble principles are sacrificed; yet they may lose all in the game. But in complying with the heavenly invitations we have no such risk to run. We must take God at His word, and in simplicity of faith walk out upon the promise, and give to the Lord His own.—The Review and Herald, December 18, 1888. {CS 90.1}

God has so many wonderful promises for His children to claim. However, His promises are conditional on obedience to His Word. Those who exercise faith and trust in the Lord will be recipients of the rewards and blessings God is ready to shower upon believers in Him. The keeper of the prison asked Paul and Silas “what must I do to be saved?” and they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. God does not ask any to take great risks with their means. Return to God what He requires and you will receive His blessing on the portion that remains with you. Take God at His Word and give to God His own.

Our kind and gracious Father,

We come to the foot of Your throne in thanksgiving and praise. We thank You for empowering us with the wherewithal to acquire means that provide for our families and ourselves. We pray that You bless these means we return unto You and that You bless the portion that remains with us. We claim all Your wonderful promises and are sorry that we have sinned against You. Please forgive us and save us dear Lord. We believe on You and pray that we will one day see You face to face in the heavenly kingdom. Help us to remain faithful in our giving we pray, in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen.


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