Written by: John Sernaque
CS - Counsels on Stewardship (1940) Chapter 11—Selling Homes and Property
Expect Individual Guidance
There are poor men and women who are writing to me for advice as to whether they shall sell their homes, and give the proceeds to the cause. They say the appeals for means stir their souls, and they want to do something for the Master who has done everything for them. I would say to such, “It may not be your duty to sell your little homes just now; but go to God for yourselves; the Lord will certainly hear your earnest prayers for wisdom to understand your duty.”—Testimonies for the Church 5:733, 734. {CS 59.1}
Just as in the days of Ellen G. White, there is still a need for means today. The rich young ruler asked Christ Jesus what He required of him to make it to heaven. Christ told him to sell everything he had and follow Him. We know that the young man went away sad. Should we do the same? No, sister White says not to ask her or any other human, go to Christ and understand for yourself what He is putting on your heart. Not all is the same or applies for everyone across the board. God has a plan for your life, go to Him in sincere and earnest prayer. Let Him speak to You as what to do. Let not your will, but let the will of God be done.
Dear kind and gracious Father,
We come to You in sincere and earnest prayer. We are Your children and wish to please You in every way. We pray that we may do what is right, favorable, and well pleasing in Your sight. We pray that it is not our will, but that Thy will be done. We pray that You speak to us and put on our heart the best way to utilize the means You have entrusted to us to work for the cause. We thank You for all You have done for us and pray that we are able to labor with You in the plan of salvation. Keep us faithful in our giving, and let all give according to their abundance. We thank You for blessing us, in the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.