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Response to a Bible Critic

Updated: Mar 16, 2022

Written by: Christopher Sernaque

Response to a comment on:

How Do DINOSAURS Fit Into the BIBLE? | Genesis Under a Microscope E19

There are four unsubstantiated claims in your comment. Your first is that Christians cannot “confirm any of this.” I am assuming that you are referring to the information contained in the Bible. Since the claim was unsubstantiated and nonspecific, I will respond generally. The Bible’s text has been verified with, archeology, history, science, prophecy, and its practicality. For the sake of substantiation, I will provide five pieces of evidence from archeology and prophecy that have confirmed the Bible’s authenticity:

1. The Moabite Stone that was discovered in the year 1868, at Dibon, Jorden, confirmed that the Moabites attacked the Israelites just as the Bible said in 2 Kings 1 and 3.

2. The Lachish Letters, that were discovered over a six-year period from 1932-1938 24 miles north of Beersheba, described Nebuchadnezzar’s attack on Jerusalem in 586 B.C. that the Bible describes in Jeremiah chapter 52 and Daniel chapter one verse one.

3. The Dead Sea Scrolls, that were discovered in 1948 confirm the Bible's accuracy.

4. Cyrus’s Cylinder chronicles Cyrus’s overthrow of Babylon just as the Bible predicted (Isaiah 44:28-Isaiah 45:1-3)

5. The Swiss explorer Johann Burckhardt, in the year 1812, discovered the city of Petra. The Bible predicted the fall of Petra in (Obadiah 3-4; Jeremiah 49:16-18)

Your assertion that “all books are written by man” is true if you meant that “Human authors write books.” However, I believe that you are trying to say that the Bible is subject to error because it was written by fallible human authors. While I will concede that the authors of the Bible were imperfect, the Word of God was inspired by the Holy Spirit and thus is inerrant, meaning perfect. (2 Timothy 3:16) There are reasons to believe my previous assertion.

Here are five evidence of the Bible’s scientific accuracy in health sciences:

1. The Bible gives precautions against wounds and skin discharges. (Leviticus 15:2-11, Leviticus 17:11)

2. The Bible gives burial precautions and instructions. (Numbers 19:11, 14-16, 19, 22 and Leviticus 11:24-28, 40)

3. The Bible gives instructions on isolation and quarantine. (Leviticus 13:1-14, Numbers 5:2-4, Deuteronomy 23:10)

4. The Bible provides counsel on sanitary waste disposal. (Deuteronomy 23:12-14, Leviticus 11:33, Leviticus 13:47-58, Leviticus 15:12)

5. The Bible speaks on the benefits of a plant-based diet and on the usage of herbal remedies. (Genesis 1:29, Daniel 1:12-15, Ezekiel 47:12)

Your third assertion is that “faith is only blind trust.” That depends on how you would define faith. Is there any evidence for the faith that your Father had in your Mother? The Christian faith is a faith that is based on evidence. Here are seven lines of prophetic evidence that confirm the Scripture as the Truth:

1. Five world empires to arise: Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome and the Vatican (Daniel chapters 2, 7, 8.)

2. Cyrus to be the warrior to capture Babylon (Isaiah 44:28-Isaiah 45:1-3)

3. After Babylon’s destruction, it would never be inhabited again (Isaiah 13:19, 20 and Jeremiah 51:37.)

4. The Bible predicted the destruction of continental and insular Tyre. (Ezekiel 26:3-6)

5. The Bible predicted the destruction of Sidon. (Ezekiel 28:21-23)

6. Jesus predicted the destruction of Jerusalem before it occurred in AD 70 under Titus. (Luke 19:42-44)

7. The Bible predicted that Jesus would be crucified in AD 31. Jesus caused the “sacrifice and the oblation to cease” by dying as the true Lamb of God. (Daniel 9:26, 1 Corinthians 15:3, John 1:29)

The final assertion that you present is, “i (sic) only know that i (sic) dont (sic).” Let’s look at why this assertion has some merit to it. You are correct in encouraging a healthy form of skepticism where questions and curiosity are encouraged. In fact, I am skeptical of your doubt of the Bible. However, I believe what you are trying to get at is that knowledge of Truth is impossible. Essentially, “it is impossible to know anything.” Because you do not provide much detail to back up your case, I cannot know for sure if this is what you are getting at. However, if that is the case that you are making, it is a self-refuting case as to know that you do not know anything is to know something, and thus it is possible to know something, so the claim that “it is impossible to know anything” is rejected by its own terms. Furthermore, our ability to reason and the inability of materialism to account for it is indeed a powerful argument against materialism because there is no way to reduce human rationality to non-rational causes, and physical causes are non-rational causes, therefore human rationality is not reducible to physical causation, and so there must be more to reality than the products of physical causation. In an evolutionary materialistic world view, our brains could only ever produce beneficial behaviors, not true beliefs, so that we couldn’t trust any of the beliefs formed by our brains, including the belief in materialistic evolution, which means materialistic evolution is self-referentially incoherent—to assert it is to provide reason to doubt it. I would encourage you to read more of the articles on Christ Jesus Ministries website:

What Are the Consequences of Relativistic Atheism?

On the Origin of the Universe by means of Supernatural Causes or the Preservation of Christianity



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