Written by: John Sernaque

Dear Reader,
Books / Pr - Prayer (2002) / Chapter 2—Our Need Of Prayer Chapter 2—Our Need Of Prayer
Prayer Is as Essential to Life as Daily Food—Daily prayer is as essential to growth in grace, and even to spiritual life itself, as is temporal food to physical well-being. We should accustom ourselves to often lift the thoughts to God in prayer. If the mind wanders, we must bring it back; by persevering effort, habit will finally make it easy. We cannot for one moment separate ourselves from Christ with safety. We may have His presence to attend us at every step, but only by observing the conditions which He has Himself laid down.—(Messages to Young People, 115.) {Pr 17.1}
Prayer is the lifeline between the earthly and the heavenly. If you want to reach the great heights of heaven, the shortest and most direct way to get there is by getting down on your knees. Lift your prayers up to God in the name of Christ Jesus and you will be in the presence of the Almighty God. Communion with God should not be for want of temporal things, but to be fed the heavenly bread of life. We all need to see our need of prayer to grow in grace and spirituality. Prayer is food for the soul.
Our heavenly Father,
We come into Your presence in prayer and thanksgiving. It is our prayer that our communion with You draws us closer to You and that You draw closer to us. We realize our need for prayer as essential to life as daily food. We hunger for Your Word and pray for You to feed us the Bread of life. We pray that You may help us to grow in grace and in our spiritual life. We are mere mortals that are distracted by the cares of this world. Help us to see past the temporal things of this world, and be able to look upon the unseen things, which are eternal. We pray that our lifeline to heaven is not broken for even the smallest moment that we have Your presence to attend us at every step. What you have joined together, let not man put asunder. Grant us Your strength and power that we may be more than conquerors. Help us to be a source of strength and an example unto others. We are all Your children and pray that You help us help others find their way back to the flock. Grant us wisdom, understanding, and discernment to do what is right, favorable, and well pleasing in Your sight. May we honor and glorify Your name, and let not our will, but let Thy will be done. We are sorry and repent of our sins. We pray that in Your compassion and mercy You forgive us of all our sins, the known and the unknown. Wash us clean in the blood of Christ. We pray that we remain faithful and diligent in our prayer life for it to become a habit and our privilege. We thank You for hearing and answering our prayers, and lift our prayers up to the Most Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary. We pray in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen.
