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One Soul is of More Value

Updated: Mar 11, 2022

Written by: John Sernaque


Periodicals / MMR - Monthly Missionary Reading (1908) / May 9, 1908—An Appeal for Missions

One soul is of more value to heaven than a world of property, houses, lands, money. If the sacrifice were essential for the salvation of one soul, it would be the duty of the inhabitants of the earth to sell their possessions in order to secure that soul for eternity. For the conversion of one soul we should tax our resources to the utmost. One soul won to Christ will flash heaven’s light all around him, penetrating the moral darkness, and saving other souls. Thus two, five, ten talents will accumulate and double. This is not exaggeration. If Christ left the ninety and nine, that he might seek and save the one lost sheep, shall we be justified in doing less? {MMR May 9, 1908, par. 7}

I don’t know about you, but I get a sense of urgency from this message. It is our duty to go after these lost souls. We must make that sacrifice in order to save that one soul for eternity. One soul is of more value to heaven than any worldly possession we may own. If Christ left the ninety-nine, can we justify doing any less? Remember, God not only adds, he multiplies. So, let us give with a cheerful heart that while saving that one soul, other souls may be saved.

Our Father, God Almighty

We thank You once again for giving us this privilege of being able to return unto You that which You have asked of us. We thank You for the sacrifice You made for our salvation. We pray that our tithes and offerings will not only be added, but multiplied by You that while saving that one soul, other souls may be saved. We pray that You bless these means to help us carry out Your plan of salvation. Keep us faithful and empower us with the strength to continue the work You have appointed us to do. We thank You for hearing and answering our prayers and for giving us the victory over sin. All these things we ask and pray, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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