Written by: John Sernaque

CCh - Counsels for the Church (1991) Chapter 48—Counsels on Stewardship
Those who withhold from the treasury of God and hoard their means for their children, endanger the spiritual interest of their children. They place their property, which is a stumbling block to themselves, in the pathway of their children, that they may stumble over it to perdition. Many are making a great mistake in regard to the things of this life. They economize, withholding from themselves and others the good they might receive from a right use of the means which God has lent them, and become selfish and avaricious. They neglect their spiritual interests and become dwarfs in religious growth, all for the sake of accumulating wealth which they cannot use. They leave their property to their children, and nine times out of ten it is even a greater curse to their heirs than it has been to themselves. Children, relying upon the property of their parents, often fail to make a success of this life, and generally utterly fail to secure the life to come. {CCh 278.4}
The very best legacy which parents can leave their children is a knowledge of useful labor and the example of a life characterized by disinterested benevolence. By such a life they show the true value of money, that it is only to be appreciated for the good that it will accomplish in relieving their own wants and the necessities of others, and in advancing the cause of God.513 {CCh 278.5}
It is natural for a parent to give their children everything they want. But a parent needs to draw the line and distinguish between everything they want and everything they need. If the parent provides for all their children’s needs, they can relieve the needs of others as well. In so doing, they teach their children the true value of labor and money, to be used unselfishly in benevolence. If taught at an early age, the children will be well served in their lifetime. God provides, and will honor those who honor Him. Let this be the very best legacy you leave behind for your children.
Our kind and gracious Father,
We thank You for this privilege and opportunity to be stewards of Your treasury. We thank You for providing for all our earthly needs in abundance, so that we may help the needs of others as well. We pray for our children, that they may learn the true value of money and benevolence. That this may be instilled in their hearts and that You provide them with meaningful labor to acquire means to take care of their families and to continue to advance Your cause. Keep us faithful in our benevolence. We repent of our sins and ask for the forgiveness of our sins. We thank You and praise You, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
