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God is Constantly Bestowing Blessings

Updated: Mar 26, 2022

Written by: John Sernaque


CS - Counsels on Stewardship (1940) Chapter 9- The Voice of Consecration

God is constantly bestowing upon you the blessings of this life; and if He asks you to dispense His gifts by helping the various branches of His work, it is for your own temporal and spiritual interest to do so, and thus acknowledge God as the giver of every blessing. God, as the Master Worker, cooperates with men in securing the means necessary for their sustenance; and He requires them to cooperate with Him in the salvation of souls. He has placed in the hands of His servants the means wherewith to carry forward His work in home and foreign missions. But if only half the people do their duty, the treasury will not be supplied with the necessary funds, and many parts of the work of God must be left incomplete.—The Review and Herald, December 23, 1890. {CS 47.1}

If God’s people are not replenishing the heavenly treasury, then by default, they are building up Satan’s treasury. Every dollar held back creates a void, a shortfall, leaving necessary parts of God’s work undone. By contrast, the worldly parts of this world, which Satan loves, increases even more. God provides for all our needs and asks us to cooperate with Him in giving back to help support the different branches of His work. We are to give our Master Worker our full cooperation. It is for our own temporal and spiritual good. To whom much is given, much is required.

Our kind and gracious Father,

We thank You for providing all our needs in abundance. We thank You for giving us the honor, privilege, and opportunity to be co- workers with You. We receive all our blessings from You and pray that we can express our gratitude by contributing to Your treasury so all the branches of Your work are supplied. May we replenish Your treasury that it is supplied with the needed funds for the work to be carried forward locally and abroad. May none of the work be left incomplete. May we help those souls that are perishing. Praise be to You dear God and all the glory be to You. We thank You and praise You, in the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.


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