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God Guides Us in Doing His Will

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

Written by: John Sernaque

Call to Worship

Proverbs 3:6

3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

God Guides Us in Doing His Will—

Has not God said He would give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him? and is not this spirit a real, true actual guide? Some men seem afraid to take God at His word as though it would be presumption in them. They pray for the Lord to teach us and yet are afraid to credit the pledged word of God and believe we have been taught of Him. So long as we come to our heavenly Father humbly and with a spirit to be taught, willing and anxious to learn, why should we doubt God’s fulfilment of His own promise? You must not for a moment doubt Him and dishonor Him thereby. When you have sought to know His will, your part in the operation with God is to believe that you will be led and guided and blessed in the doing of His will. We may mistrust ourselves lest we misinterpret His teachings, but make even this a subject of prayer, and trust Him, still trust Him to the uttermost, that His Holy Spirit will lead you to interpret aright His plans and the working of His providence (Letter 35, 1893). {3BC 1155.7}

It was Christ who guided the Israelites through the wilderness. And it is Christ who is guiding His people today, showing them where and how to work (Letter 335, 1904). {3BC 1156.1}

God has a plan for everyone in his or her life. This is why when we speak to God; we are also to listen to what He is telling us. We stumble when we fight God’s plan and set out to accomplish our own plans. Not that planning in and of itself is wrong. We can make plans to have structure in our life. The problem is when God has given us our instruction and we set out in a different path. A good example of that would be the account of Jonah. God has called all to serve Him with gladness. This is your calling and mine. Believe that God will lead and guide you, and He will bless you in the doing of His will.

Our kind and gracious Father,

We come into Your presence in thanksgiving and praise. We thank You for Your Spirit and light that leads us, guides us, and keeps us on a safe path. We pray for Your blessings as we set out to do the work You have given us to do. Help us through the wilderness of this life and show us the way we should walk. Help us to work out Your plan that we may fulfill Your will for us in our life. We pray that we may honor and glorify Your name, and let not our will, but let Thy will be done. We thank You and praise You, in the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.


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