Written by: John Sernaque

Dear Reader,
Books / Pr - Prayer (2002) / Chapter 2—Our Need Of Prayer Chapter 2—Our Need Of Prayer
Few Appreciate the Privilege of Prayer—We should watch and work and pray as though this were the last day that would be granted us. How intensely earnest, then, would be our life. How closely would we follow Jesus in all our words and deeds. {Pr 26.4}
There are few who rightly appreciate or improve the precious privilege of prayer. We should go to Jesus and tell Him all our needs. We may bring Him our little cares and perplexities as well as our greater troubles. Whatever arises to disturb or distress us, we should take it to the Lord in prayer. When we feel that we need the presence of Christ at every step, Satan will have little opportunity to intrude his temptations. It is his studied effort to keep us away from our best and most sympathizing friend. We should make no one our confidant but Jesus. We can safely commune with Him of all that is in our hearts.—(Testimonies for the Church 5:200, 201.) {Pr 27.1}
Today is a gift from God, and is rightly called the present, for tomorrow is not promised to anyone. There will be a day when we will have the privilege and honor of meeting Christ Jesus, face to face. What a tragedy if He were to look at you and speak the last words anyone would want to hear, “I do not know you.” Do not squander the privilege of prayer, your opportunity to commune with Jesus to get to know Him as a friend. It is your chance to share your most intimate thoughts and all your needs with Him, though He knows them already. Surrender your life to Jesus and allow Him to be your best and most sympathizing friend.
Dear God,
We come to You today as if it were the last day on earth for us. We realize our need to have You as our closest and dearest friend. We acknowledge You as our Lord and Savior and our lifeline to heaven through prayer, a privilege You have graced us with. We pray that as we share our most heartfelt, intimate thoughts, that You will hear and answer our prayers. We come to You with all our trials and tribulations, though You know them already, but also with our prayers of love and thanksgiving for having You as our friend, our Big Brother, always ready to hear our cries and supplications. We ask for Your forgiveness when we seek earthly counsel for our troubles instead of seeking first Your Throne of Grace. We pray for Your righteousness, as You have told us that our righteousness is of You. Help us to put away any self-righteousness, but to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto us. We thank You for this amazing promise that comes straight from heaven. We pray for Your Spirit and Your light, that we may receive Your character. Grant us Your Power from on High. Shape us and mold us into the Christian we ought to be, as You created in Your own image. We pray that we may walk in Your ways that when others see us, they see You. May we reflect Your glorious light unto those who are walking in darkness so they may be saved. We pray that we will be saved to experience the splendor of all the majesty in heaven, to be forever in Your presence. May we be counted worthy of having our names written in Your Book of Life. What You have joined together, let not man put asunder. We thank You for hearing and answering our prayers and for giving us the victory over sin. We pray in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen.
