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Doesn’t the name Ellen Gould White add up to 666?

Updated: Feb 20, 2021

Written by: Christopher Sernaque


Doesn’t the name Ellen Gould White add up to 666?


The answer to this objection is threefold:

1. Foremost, according to Revelation 13:18, the verse that actually mentions “Six hundred threescore and six” or 666, says that the number is the number of a man. This calculation obviously does not apply to Ellen White because she was a woman.

2. Supposing the name Ellen Gould White actually adds up to 666, would that make Ellen White the biblical antichrist? No, she does not meet any of the other characteristics of the beast power and thus whether her name adds up to 666 is irrelevant.

3. Finally, the name “Ellen Gould White” does not add up to 666. In Latin and Roman numerals there is no character “w” with a value of 10. The letter “w” evolved many centuries later in other languages, but not Roman numerals. The letter w does not occur in Latin and is not part of the ancient Latin alphabet. It is a letter which appears from Germanic languages, including Old English. Thus, the name “Ellen Gould White” actually totals 656.



Neil Copeland
Neil Copeland
Sep 09, 2023

It is only in recent centuries that W has been treated as a single letter. Even in 18th century works, it sometimes appears as vv. In texts of ancient Germanic languages (unless they use the ancient letter wynn, borrowed from the runic alphabet), w is represented by uu or vv, not a single letter. There is an old word game called a chronogram. The trick of it was to come up with a sentence in which the Roman numerals among the letters added up to the year. One clever 17th century double chronogram, in Latin and English, on the year 1642, reads, "'TV DeVs IaM propItIVs sIs regI regnoqVe hVIC VnIVerso." – "O goD noVV sheVV faVoVr to the kIng…

Neil Copeland
Neil Copeland
Sep 10, 2023
Replying to

Slight amendment: if the reference was specifically to a male, the last two words would have been ἀνδρός ἐστιν. I forgot to adjust the accents for the final enclitic.


Peter Malambo
Peter Malambo
Aug 02, 2022

The mark of beast will be Sunday observance and the image of the beast being apostate protestantism as the main player in the drama. Those who receive the seal of God are identified as commandment keepers. A seal three characteristics. 1. The name of law giver 2.his title and thirdly his territory or domin. The only commandment that contains God,s seal is the fourth commandment read Exodus 20:8-11 and Ezekiel 20v12

Neil Copeland
Neil Copeland
Sep 10, 2023
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There's no rational way the number 666 can be interpreted as meaning Sunday observance, regardless of whether you regard the mark as literal or figurative. If it was Friday observance, it would make some kind of sense, but exercise caution in saying that around Muslims. The argument that Ellen White says Sunday observance is the mark of the beast, therefore 666 must mean Sunday observance, is the silliest sort of non-sequitur. And how come Seventh Day Adventists don't seem to have noticed that enforcement of Sunday observance has diminished hugely in the last lifetime or so?


Peter Malambo
Peter Malambo
Aug 02, 2022

Ellen white is not the mark of beast and it's image.and so is it doesn't apply to her. The number of the beast in revelation chapter 13 applies to the second beast that came out from the earth and had two horns like a lamb but spake like a dragon. When we go into history the only power or nation that fits this description is no other than the united state of America. Why this nation was founded civil liberties and religious liberty but as the bible and historical records shows under the influence of apostate protestantism there will be a union of church and state. As was in the dark ages of 1260 yrs.


Joey Warren
Joey Warren
Jun 15, 2022

The Greek word for man here is “anthrōpos”

It means primarily “manfaced” or “a human being”

The KJV with Strong’s numbers:

Rev 13:18 HereG5602 isG2076 wisdom.G4678 Let him that hathG2192 understandingG3563 countG5585 theG3588 numberG706 of theG3588 beast:G2342 forG1063 it isG2076 the numberG706 of a man;G444 andG2532 hisG848 numberG706 is Six hundred threescore and six.G5516

G444 ἄνθρωπος anthrōpos anth'-ro-pos

From G435 and ὤψ ōps (the countenance; from G3700); manfaced, that is, a human being:

So a more accurate translation would be:

Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of A HUMAN BEING; and IT's number is Six hundred threescore and six.

So Ellen G. White is one of many Anti-Christs…


Joey Warren
Joey Warren
Jun 15, 2022

The W evolved from double V ELLEN GOULD WHITE

e + 50 + 50 + e + n = 100

g + o + (U = V = 5) + 50 + 500 = 555

(W = V + V = 5 + 5) + h + 1 + t + e = 11

100 + 555 + 11 = 666

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