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A Call for Consecrated Families

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

Written by: John Sernaque


CS - Counsels on Stewardship (1940) Chapter 10—A Call to Greater Earnestness A Call for Consecrated Families

Those who have means are doubly responsible; for this means has been entrusted to them of God, and they are to feel their accountability to forward the work of God in its various branches. The fact that the truth binds souls by its golden links to the throne of God, should inspire men to work with all their God-given energy, to trade upon their Lord’s goods in regions beyond, disseminating the knowledge of Christ far hence among the Gentiles. {CS 56.3}

Many to whom God has entrusted means with which to bless humanity, have let it prove a snare to them, instead of letting it prove a blessing to themselves and others. Can it be that the property that God has given to you shall be permitted to become a stumbling block? Will you let His entrusted means, which has been given you to trade upon, bind you away from the work of God? Will you allow the trust which God has reposed in you as His faithful steward, serve to lessen your influence and usefulness, by keeping you from being laborers together with God? Will you permit yourself to be detained at home, in order to hold together the means which God has entrusted to you to put into the bank of heaven? You cannot plead that there is nothing to do; for there is everything to do. Will you be content to enjoy the comforts of your home, and not try to tell perishing souls how they may obtain the mansions Christ has gone to prepare for those who love Him? Will you not sacrifice your possessions, in order that others may obtain an immortal inheritance?—The Review and Herald, July 21, 1896. {CS 56.4}

God has called all to be stewards of His possessions. It all belongs to God. Even our children are His. Families are to work together to bring the message of salvation to the perishing souls living in darkness. It would be selfish to keep all of God’s promises and offers to ourselves and not share the good news He has for all. This is our responsibility. We are our brother’s keeper. Let us not waste our means on the frivolous things of this world, rather, let us store our treasures in the bank of heaven. It will prove a blessing to others and to us as well.

Our kind and gracious Father,

We thank thee for all of the blessings You bestow upon our families and us. We thank You for the privilege and honor to be stewards of all You have entrusted to us. We thank You for all Your provisions to joyfully share with those less fortunate, who don’t know of Your saving truth, and are living in darkness. Help us reach those perishing souls that they may receive an immortal inheritance. We pray it be their blessing and a blessing to us as well. Keep us faithful in our stewardship responsibilities and protect us as we go about doing Your business. We thank You and praise You, in the name of Christ Jesus, we pray, Amen.


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